Where your money goes
Our bags of food cost on average $12. That’s $48 per month or $480 per year to feed a child and their family.
Weekly Bags of Food
Your donations allow us to prioritize nutritious options and varied menus for our students every week.
School Supplies
Students we support receive a new backpack filled with age-appropriate school supplies at the beginning of every year.
Supplemental Programs
Throughout the year we also provide three additional deliveries – a summer enrichment bag, a winter accessories collection, and a mothers’ day gift.
How you can support us financially
See below for the various ways that you can give.
Or send a check in any amount made payable to “Weekend Backpacks” and mail it to us at:
Weekend Backpacks
P.O. Box 21486
Baltimore, MD 21282
You can also make a donation “in honor of” or “in memory of” and a Weekend Backpacks card will be sent in a timely manner. You may do this online or mail a check to:
Weekend Backpacks
P.O. Box 21486
Baltimore, MD 21282
Donation cards are a way to direct a donation to Weekend Backpacks while sending the recipient a message in honor, memory, or appreciation. You can personalize each card with a custom message, letting the recipient know that a donation has been made in their name. Individual cards are a minimum donation of $10 or can be purchased in packages of six for $50 and can be purchased online, via check to the P.O. Box or at the Weekend Backpacks’ facility.
Participate in our supplemental collections. We collect winter accessories through the fall to be distributed in December and we accept hygiene and miscellaneous items throughout the year.
You or your financial advisor can reach out to our treasurer at mlowy@weekendbackpacks.org.
Support us by getting involved
While financial donations are greatly appreciated, there are many other ways you can help further our mission.

Thanks for your Support
Thank you for your donation to Weekend Backpacks. Your support is helping a child and their family access nutritious food over the weekend. We aim to offer these students and their families a resource to help them be better prepared for school and work. We are always receiving requests for our program from new schools. Your donation will help us meet the growing need in the community. We couldn’t do this without your support.