If your school, religious, or other community organization would like to get involved, we’ll find the right opportunity for you!

Groups of fewer than ten people: can always sign up for one of our regularly scheduled sessions by completing our Volunteer Form and registering on our Sign Up Genius.

Groups of ten or more: Contact us to set up a private session. It generally takes 25 people to do a full packing but we’ll work to accommodate groups of any size whenever possible.

High School & College Students: We host monthly Students Helping Students volunteer nights where high school and college students can pack bags, which you can sign up for here. Students are also welcome to sign up for any of our regularly scheduled sessions.

Host an event on our behalf: We are always grateful to receive snack bags or items from a collection drive.

  • Snack Packings – We’re happy to include prepared bags of snacks in our bags whenever possible. Volunteers can purchase items such as granola bars, cheese crackers, fruit snacks, raisins, chex mix, or goldfish (please do not include candy or nuts), pack five or six items in ziploc bags, and drop the packed bags off at our facility. Be sure to coordinate with our Operations team so we can prepare for the donation.

Collections We do a large collection of winter accessories including hats, gloves, scarves, and socks throughout the fall to be distributed to schools in December. If you’d like to arrange a drive we can provide a collection bin. We also provide hygiene items throughout the year if you would like to collect them at any time. The most requested items are toothbrushes, toothpaste, and deodorant. We can accept smaller amounts dropped off at our facility or you can order off our Amazon wishlist.

To set up a volunteer opportunity please email us at volunteer@weekendbackpacks.org.